Our FREE service recommends the best value suppliers of budget kitchens in your area.
The showrooms are also better value than the chains for fitting (optional). Their average fitting price is only £1,500, which is less than the chains & similar to what builder’s charge.
All kitchen showrooms offer FREE no-obligation quotes & are within half-an-hour’s drive.
Showrooms are located throughout the UK.
Plus, some suppliers offer 0% finance.
But don’t just take our word for it. Check out what our customers say below:
“The kitchen your guys came up with is far more competitive than anything I have had quoted so far and the quality is in a different league”
Samantha Michaels, Watford, Herts
“Kitchenfindr recommended a showroom who were much better value than most of the other showrooms I’d previously looked at”
Hannah Malone, Esher, Surrey
How can a small kitchen showroom be better value than the chains?
It’s all down to overheads. Small kitchen showrooms have tiny overheads compared to the chains. Unlike the chains, they don’t have huge superstores to run or multi million pound TV adverts to pay for. Therefore, they can afford to offer you a much higher quality kitchen than the chains, for a similar price.
Surely the chains will be cheaper if their units are in the sale?
No – because their sales are fake. The chains try to mislead consumers into thinking they’re getting a bargain by inflating their prices so they can then knock 50% off.
Isn’t the cheapest way to buy a kitchen via a builder?
No – because their discounts are also fake. Although builders will tell you they’ll save you a fortune because of the 75% discounts they get from trade only suppliers, this is the same trick the chains use – designed to mislead you into thinking you’re getting a bargain. Trade only suppliers inflate their prices so builders can then tell consumers they get 75% off.
In reality, the prices builders quote for a trade kitchen is usually similar to the chains. In fact, sometimes they’ll quote more than the chains, especially if you live in a nice area.
How do I know which showrooms are the best value?
For many years, I worked for the company that supplied most of the kitchen showrooms around the country.
Therefore, I have a good understanding of which showrooms sell what kitchen ranges and how the price and quality of those ranges compare to each other & to places like Howdens, Wren & Magnet.
Is there a catch?
No – using us is just like using a mortgage broker to find the best deal on a mortgage. The only difference is, we’ll find you the best deal on a kitchen rather than a mortgage.
Like a mortgage broker, our service is FREE to consumers. If you buy a kitchen from a showroom we recommend, the showroom pays us a commission. This cost has no effect on the price you pay as showrooms do not pass it on.